Learning Resources - Learn steps and skills to save your pet

Learn PET CPR and First Aid Skills! Feel comfortable being a new parent, mom, dad, foster parent, aunt, uncle, babysitter or animal lover or "pet parent". Learn how to do cpr and choking and heimlich maneuver at our office or in the comfort of your own home on humans and pets. We are accredited, licensed and insured and have been teaching American Heart Association (AHA), ASHI and Red Cross certifications for over 17 years.

What will you learn in class? Emergency skills such as what to do if your pet has a seizure, suffers an electric shock, is injured in a car accident or ingests poison. You will also be trained to administer CPR if your pet stops breathing (yes, you can give a dog or cat mouth to nose and yes, we practiced on dog and cat dummies). You will also learn Dog, cat and puppy cpr and choking, Cuts and bleeding - Simple Medication Administration - Fractures and Sprains - Animal Bites or Insect Stings - Cuts, Burns or Severe Cold injuries and more.

If your dog has a pulse but is not breathing, you can perform artificial respiration. In humans, it is mouth to mouth. In dogs and cats and puppies, it is mouth to snout. If your dog or cat does not have a pulse, you will need to do CPR, or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, which is a combination of artificial respiration and chest compressions. How far you go down for compressions or squeezes depends on the size of your cat, puppy or dog. Luckily, you will learn all of this on our website with our free videos and pdfs that you can learn the steps of how to save your Pet. So learn on our site or in person at CPR Florida how to save your dog, cat or puppy and you can tell everyone you know animal CPR!
